SIOUX FALLS SD (KELO) — Two people have died while ice fishing on the Missouri River in Walworth County.
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According to Craig Melhoff, a vehicle fell through the ice on the Missouri River near Akaska, which is south of Mobridge. Melhoff is the president of the South Dakota Walleye Classic hosted in Akaska.
The Walleye Classic announced on their Facebook page that the Kids Fishing Tourney has been postponed to a date unknown, due to accident, in Akaska, SD.
The Walworth County Sheriff told KELOLAND News at 9 a.m. Thursday they are still investigating the incident and no information would be shared at this time.
According to the Indian Creek Recreation Area, ice conditions continue to change with warming and cooling weather conditions.
This past weekend, two vehicles fell into the ice in the same location at Bitter Lake. Officials said both drivers were unharmed but both vehicles were driving on the ice while it was dark.
This is a developing story. Stay with KELOLAND News for more coverage online and on air.