
Deep Dive Radio Network

DSU students move back to campus

MADISON, S.D. (KELO) – Public universities in South Dakota began moving freshman students into their residence halls Friday before classes start August 26. Students at Dakota State University in Madison are excited about the first week and welcome events the university is putting on, including orientation this weekend, classes starting Monday, an Old Dominion concert [...]

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150 people officially become U.S. citizens

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — America is known as the land of opportunity, with many people moving here from other countries. After a ceremony Friday, many people who woke up as citizens of other countries, can now proudly say they are U.S. citizens. 150 people became United States citizens at a naturalization ceremony Friday. "For [...]

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Guns stolen from unlocked cars frustrate police

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- The death of a teenager this week can be traced directly to a gun stolen from an unlocked car in Sioux Falls. Police say on Tuesday night, a group of teenagers gathered at a home in central Sioux Falls. They were horsing around with a stolen 9-millimeter when it went [...]

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