
December 18, 2024

Councilor: ‘Anti-Sioux Falls’ bias starting to crack

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — After traveling across the state for the past two years, Sioux Falls council member David Barranco said he starting to see the anti-Sioux Falls bias starting to crack.

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Barranco was a member of the executive board of the South Dakota Municipal League during those two years. In his update to the city council at Tuesday’s informational meeting, he said he’s traveled to cities such as Aberdeen, Mitchell and Yankton, but also towns such as Plankinton and Bowdle.

“It may come as shock to hear but statewide, there’s a slight anti-Sioux Falls bias,” Barranco said.

Barranco said some on the council have even noted that some outside of Sioux Falls consider its residents “snooty elitists.”

But Barranco said as he traveled the state, he met varied individuals. He learned a lot and he came away encouraged. He gave two examples of how the bias is cracking.

Barranco said during the prior legislative session, lawmakers and others from rural communities were key in the support of some of the city’s legislative priorities. He gave credit to local Sioux Falls lawmakers, but “it must be noted that we prevailed, not despite rural communities’ efforts, but thanks to them.”

He cited the low participation in the 2017 municipal league convention in Sioux Falls compared to the record number of registrations, vendors and money raised for the 2024 convention in Sioux Falls as another example.

The support gained comes through face to face encounters and conversations, Barranco said.

The recent municipal league convention also resulted in shared support for airport funding, which the Sioux Falls airport will be requesting, Barranco said. Members also touched on legislative priorities on tax cuts and water rights, Barranco said. And members are working toward fuller support of affordable housing, workforce development and other topics.