SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — On Saturday, people all over the world will stand up against something that has killed people right here in KELOLAND: drug overdoses.
August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day.
As the day of remembrance and action draws closer, a woman is hoping her story will help others facing addiction.
Four-year-old Jade is Megan Cantone’s miracle baby.
“She’s just a beautiful little girl,” Cantone said.
Megan became pregnant with a baby girl after seven years of substance use including meth and heroin.
“At first it was fun to be able to get high and party and meet different people and to run the streets and learn how to do all the things in the streets and after a while it was not fun. You are going through withdrawals and you are selling things to get money or doing things you didn’t want to do to get the drugs,” Cantone said.
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While Megan had been to rehab multiple times, it was the new life inside her that ultimately made her turn her life around.
“I wanted to be done so bad that I was actually thankful that the lord had given me a baby at that time because I was ready to change my life. I just didn’t know how and this gave me a good reason to,” Cantone said.
Megan turned to medication-assisted treatment and her faith to get her life back.
“Some nights I lay in bed and I just thank the Lord for where I’m at now, but also I kind of get flashbacks of my past where I’m like, ‘I can’t believe that I did that,” Cantone said.
Megan’s mother Jayne Eichacker is proud of her daughter.
“The whole family has went through a lot…her sister and her brother…it’s just brings joy to me every time I see her,” Eichacker said.
Megan hopes her story gives other people hope.
Her message to those struggling with addiction is seek help and talk to people.
“It’s possible to get sober and to live a new life. It’s hard. It’s not easy, but it’s definitely possible,” Cantone said.
As Megan reflects on her journey, she’s getting ready to add another blessing to her family early next year.
“I’m just thankful that the Lord has blessed me with what I have today,” Cantone said.
In a special next month on KELOLAND News, we’ll take a closer look at the medication Megan used and why it helped her turn her life around.