U2 has announced a new concert movie, V-U2 An Immersive Concert Film at Sphere Las Vegas, which will debut Sept. 5 and play exclusively at the Sin City venue they helped open with the 40-night U2: UV residency last fall.”The goal was to give the immersive moviegoers as close to the live U2:UV concert experience as possible – and then some,” the Edge explained. “I’ve never seen a U2 show. I’m so relieved I caught a great one.” The guitarist also co-directed the movie with Morleigh Steinberg.Read More: The Five Most Dazzling Moments from U2’s Sphere ShowU2 played 40 sold-out shows at the technologically advanced new venue between September 2023 and March 2024. The venue allows artists to surround concert-goers from every direction with breathtaking images and a state-of-the-art sound system.V-U2 is the first movie to be shot entirely with the ultra-high resolution Big Sky camera system designed by Sphere entertainment. “We knew all the tremendous capabilities of the technology, but we didn’t know what to expect from the process of making this film. The work became a true collaboration between band, artists, producers, and technology teams,” explains Steinberg. “The end result is a cinematic experience that transports viewers into the energy and beauty of the live show.”The cheapest tickets for V-U2 An Immersive Concert Film at Sphere Las Vegas will cost $100, although the press release notes that this “is the full out-of-pocket price inclusive of taxes and fees.” They go on sale Thursday, Aug. 22 to U2.com and Sphere Inner Circle subscribers, and to the general public via Ticketmaster the next day.Watch the Trailer for U2’s ‘V-U2’U2 Sphere Opening Night PhotosSee U2 in action at Las Vegas’ groundbreaking new venue. Gallery Credit: Matthew Wilkening