"Ruthless" co-host John Ashbrook appeared on "The Will Cain Show" to share his experience as a member of the "new media" to appear in the White House briefing room.
A female New York doctor was recently indicted on felony charges for allegedly prescribing abortion medication to a patient via telemedicine in Louisiana.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) - Part of President Donald Trump's crackdown on immigration includes lifting restrictions on where federal agents can conduct immigration enforcement. Previously U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were not allowed to make arrests in areas like hospitals, churches and schools but now that's all changed as of Jan. 21 - [...]
According to the latest climate outlook from NOAA, the answer if wintry weather will return is a bit complicated, as several atmospheric oscillations, which influence everything from moisture patterns to temperature shifts across the country, are expected to be constantly changing in February.
Footage shot by the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office shows the harrowing rescue of an ice climber who fell 100 feet from Sloan Peak in western Washington on Saturday.
SPINESHANK has announced the "revamped" lineup of musicians who will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their 2000 sophomore album "The Height Of Callousness" on what is expected to be a series of live shows, including an appearance at the Louder Than Life festival, set to take place September 18-21...
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- Don't rely on a friend, uncle or a stranger or a non-resident to report a problem with rental housing in Sioux Falls. "What we can't act on anecdotal stories or hearsay evidence (of) 'I know someone who this, this and this,'" Kevin Smith, a planning official with the city said [...]