Consider sponsoring your business with Deep Dive Radio Network on our radio stations.
By sponsoring your business with us you will be showing your support for the stations you know and love.
We are working on building our stations audience’s, our Badlands Classic Rock station has over a 1,000 page likes on our Facebook page. The website is constantly accessed, on a daily basis. With over 3,000 listening hours a week, the station is constantly streamed every day from different people from all over.
With us being an internet-based radio station, and if you have a internet based company we can help drive more traffic to your website that will help you grow.
If you are wanting to know more or have questions, please feel free to contact us.
What are you waiting for contact us today, and let’s work together, and get some sponsor ads going!
Sponsor our stations- Sponsor ads will be ran all the time
- On air sponsorship
- Business logo added to website
- Business added to promotional items
- Business ad published on social media outlets