
February 27, 2025

High fire danger expected on Friday

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — While warm temperatures have been nice, they do come with a price. And that price tag says ‘fire danger’.

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As temperatures slowly warmed out of the deep freeze from last week, many areas in KELOLAND are now snow-free and a lot of brown ground is once again exposed. As we continue with dry conditions through the weekend, we’ll have to watch the humidity and wind.

The three main ingredients when it comes to fire danger are strong winds, low humidity, and warm temperatures.

Temperatures will continue to stay above average for the rest of the work week with strong winds likely on Friday. With very little moisture in the air, high fire danger can be expected on Friday as all three ingredients will be present.

There may be some relief on the way. A system to our south will have to be watched for at least a chance for precipitation. Whether it brings in moisture or not, as the system moves east it will help cool temperatures in KELOLAND with highs returning closer to average.