SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — While the daytime temp gets most of the attention, the overnights have also been warm. And we’re past due for cold air.
Noem for Interior?
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone this fall as we had another above average day in KELOLAND. Even with thicker clouds and rain on Saturday, temperatures are still expected to be at or above average. But for this story, I want to concentrate on the low temperatures this fall.
We’re already through the first week of November. When you look at the climate averages, we should have already had an overnight low in the teens. But that hasn’t been the case. Many in KELOLAND have only fallen to the 20s for their coldest low so far this fall. The exceptions are Aberdeen and Rapid City as both of those cities have fallen to the teens.
The seven-day forecast keeps the overnight lows out of the teens. In fact, we may have to watch for temperatures to be close to their warmest lows in the middle of the week, ahead of the rain.