SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO) — Friday’s temperatures in the 80’s may be putting you in a gardening mindset.
That means green thumbs are pointing toward the parking lot of Lewis Drug stores in Sioux Falls.
Putting up a new greenhouse is an uplifting experience to the staff at Lewis Drug.
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“I love it because it gets you outside. You’re working with customers out here. It’s fantastic,” Lewis Lawn & Garden Center worker Bob Heesch said.
This greenhouse, made from flame-resistant plastic held in place by sturdy metal poles, is built to withstand the elements. It’s first test of structural soundness could come with this weekend’s rain and snow.
“Hopefully, Mother Nature won’t be too cruel to us. A lot of times, if the wind picks up and we have stuff up, we get it down, so it won’t fall over a lot,” Heesch said.
“The year we had the two derecho wind storms, they withheld those. So yeah, they’re very strong. They are staked into the cement, very durable,” Lewis Drug buyer Doug Schroeder said.
The Lewis staff won’t be stocking their shelves with plants until later in April. But it was important to get the greenhouse up first.
“You want to be ahead of the schedule because that way, you’re not rushed when the plants do come, setting up stuff, that really becomes a headache,” Heesch said.
This greenhouse was completed on Thursday. Heesch says it was slightly behind schedule due to the windy, cool weather. But now, the Lewis greenhouse building boom is in full bloom.
The first plants to arrive at the greenhouses in April will be the hardier varieties that can withstand cold weather. The warmer-weather plants will arrive later.