SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) —You can tell St. Patrick’s Day is near when the Shamrock Shakes come back at McDonalds. This season, some stores in KELOLAND are using the shakes to give back.
Brittany Corcoran was a young girl who loved playing hockey.
“Brittany was a shining light, best friend, everybody’s star athlete. She was a star student. Just that All-American girl, that just happened to struggle with mental health,” Fight Like A Ninja Founder, Angela Drake said.
Just days before her 18th birthday, Brittany took her own life. Since then, her mother has started the nonprofit called Fight Like a Ninja. It helps create scholarships for girl hockey players, and start conversations around mental health.
Tomorrow, several McDonald’s locations are helping put on a fundraiser called Shamrock Shakes for Brittany.
“Where $0.44 goes, to every Shamrock Shake sold, to the Fight Like a Ninja program,” McDonald’s owner, Jordan Hartshorn said.
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“Brittany was a goalie and very superstitious. So before every big game, we would make a Shamrock shake or come to McDonald’s and get our shamrock shakes and a small fry,” Drake said.
Along with the shamrock shakes will come a sticker that will give people the information they need to start a conversation about mental health.
“Mental health impacts everybody, whether it’s directly or indirectly. And our employees really love, supporting this program as well. So anything we can do to shed some more light on starting a conversation we feel is very beneficial to this cause,” Hartshorn said.
“We fought the good fight– did everything that we could to help her. And now we are taking that light that she’s left here in the world and shining it on others that may not have a voice about their own mental health,” Drake said.
There are 14 McDonalds that are participating in Shamrock Shakes for Brittany, with locations in Sioux Falls, Watertown, Brookings, Brandon and Luverne.