
Deep Dive Radio Network

Temperatures are expected to remain cold

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- Snow will move through parts of KELOLAND for the first half of the weekend. Once the snow leaves, the cold air will take hold. So, get used to the term 'wind chill' for next week. While southern KELOLAND was able to sneak in another day with temperatures in the 30s [...]

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‘It is not a gun law. It’s a mental health law.’

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) —After losing her daughter to suicide, a mother is doing what she can to use this year's legislative session to create change. It's been almost a year since Hailey Barrick died by suicide. She had been hospitalized on an involuntary mental hold just days before she passed away. "The fact that [...]

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New Super Bowl Sportsbook at Grand Falls

LARCHWOOD, IA. (KELO) -- A northwestern Iowa casino has drawn up a new playbook when it comes to betting on this weekend's Super Bowl. Sunday will be the first Super Bowl since Grand Falls Casino and Golf Resort switched sportbooks at the end of 2024. He's wearing a New York Jets cap. But Don Tiesler, [...]

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Noem doubles her salary with cabinet role

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- Just last year former South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem was under consideration as Donald Trump's Vice Presidential running mate. But those aspirations disappeared after Noem revealed in her book that she shot her dog Cricket. She also failed to answer questions about claiming to meet North Korean Dictator Kim Jong [...]

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