
Deep Dive Radio Network

Storm Center PM Update: Messy Tuesday Outlook

SIOUX FALLS, SD (KELO) -- We have a lot to go over in the short-term outlook, so let's hit the ground running after a brief look at how warm we got to start the work and school week. Low pressure over the Four Corners region will continue to develop and push northeastward toward KELOLAND and, [...]

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Top investor agrees to withdraw Daktronics lawsuit

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- Alta Fox has agreed to withdrew its lawsuit against Daktronics under a new agreement with the company, Daktronics announced Monday. Under the agreement, Daktronics said it will appoint Peter Feigin, an Alta Fox-recommended candidate to the Daktronics Board of Directors. Alta Fox is Daktronics' largest shareholder. Daktronics, based in Brookings, [...]

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