
Deep Dive Radio Network

Last hope for keeping the Brockhouse animals in SF

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) — A group has come forward in hopes of keeping the Brockhouse taxidermy collection once housed in the Delbridge Museum in Sioux Falls. Since the 1980s, the Delbridge Museum has helped families create memories. "All my kids growing up, they love coming here. And the museum itself. You know, when I [...]

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Former pastor facing sex charges

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- A former Sioux Falls pastor is in the Minnehaha County Jail facing sex charges. 52-year-old Patrick Anderson is accused of having unwanted sexual contact with four different people, between April and August of last year. In one case he's also charged with raping the victim. According to court records, he [...]

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Senate panel approves expanding hunting safety zones

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- A bill seeking to expand the safety zone for hunting and trapping around private property passed through committee on Tuesday morning. In a vote of 4-3, the bill passed through the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources and now heads to the Senate floor, the Senate will be the bill's final [...]

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