In this interview, Dorothy opens up about how personally important her new album, 'The Way,' is to her and why she loves working with Scott Stevens. Continue reading…
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- South Dakota is part of a lawsuit filed by Texas and several other states that targets section 504 of the rehabilitation act of 1974. It requires organizations that receive federal funding, like a public school, to make accommodations for students with disabilities. It also impacts businesses and organizations that receive [...]
PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) -- The South Dakota House of Representatives will reconsider the governor's prison bill on Monday. That's according to House Speaker Jon Hansen. Republican Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt requested reconsideration after an amended version of House Bill 1025 failed Friday on a 34-35 vote. Hansen said a legislative rule* requires that when reconsideration is [...]
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- The sun set early on a bill that sought to do away with daylight savings in South Dakota on Friday. Senate Bill 186, brought by Republican Sen. Carl Perry, would have exempted the state of South Dakota from the practice of daylight savings, which runs from March 9 - November [...]
During an appearance on bestselling author Mark Manson's The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck podcast, LAMB OF GOD frontman Randy Blythe was asked if being in a band can be compared to a marriage where instead of having one significant other to keep happy, you're usually fully committed professionall...
The Warped Tour lineup keep growing daily, with From Ashes to New, Silverstein and Attila all joining the lineup over this past week. Continue reading…
In a new interview with Iron Madness, guitarist Chris Caffery and bassist Johnny Lee Middleton of reactivated American progressive metallers SAVATAGE spoke about the band's long-in-the-works new studio album. Regarding the progress of the LP songwriting and recording sessions, Johnny said (as transc...
Former JUDAS PRIEST and current KK'S PRIEST singer Tim "Ripper" Owens performed on February 20 at Crowbar in Sydney as part of his ongoing Australian solo tour. Joining him on the trek is a backing band of Australia's metal maestros Joel McDonald on guitar, Jordan McDonald on drums, Voya Milutinovic...