
Deep Dive Radio Network

February is a month of extremes when it comes to temps

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- We are just about at the tail end of the bitter cold temperatures this week as warmer temperatures will return tomorrow with warming continuing through the weekend. Once Sioux Falls fell below zero Sunday evening, it has stayed below zero through at least the morning hours on Wednesday…over 60 hours. [...]

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Help during a cold snap

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- As frigid weather lingers in KELOLAND, a nonprofit is seeing more people reaching out for help. Jamie Cody is the 211 director at the Helpline Center. She says the cold snap has people reaching out about issues and needs like frozen pipes, winter clothing, and food. In fact, earlier this [...]

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Senate passes porn age-verification bill

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) -- House Bill 1053, which would require age verification for porn sites passed the South Dakota Senate in a 34 to 0 vote. One Senator was excused. HB1053 will now go to the desk of Governor Larry Rhoden. The bill, brought by Republican Rep. Bethany Soye, will define a "covered platform" [...]

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‘It’s just temporary’: Reaction to $70,000 fence

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) —The city of Sioux Falls still wants to lease the parking lot next to the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House in central Sioux Falls. Officials want to build a $70,000 fence on the property to address some of the ongoing behaviors. At the agenda item's second reading, many people voiced their opinions [...]

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